This game is designed from Japanese programers and till now no one has ever reached the end of the game.
Actually Super Mario is taken away from the game and it's "puted" a cat with infinite number of lives.
I don't think that we played this kind of games in the past Wink
The gameplay is similar to Super Mario Brothers, but with a perverse twist. It fools the player in many ways; Apart from being a complete antithesis of conventional SMB gameplay, it exploits the experience of the player and uses such experience against the latter; The game only consists of four levels but they have such a high level of enemy and puzzle/trap placement that it becomes nearly impossible to predict what will be next.
Obstacles and traps encountered in the game includes the Mushroom, which in Mario games usually gives the player larger and gives an extra hit point, this time makes the cat larger and heavier, making it fall through the ground and causing the player to get killed.
Another is a classic appearance of an invisible block, causing players trying to jump over the edge to bump into it, and falling straight down to their deaths. Another, an invisible box on the first level generates an infinite number of deadly mushrooms, blocking your path. To succeed, the player must learn to think outside the box on certain areas. Even backdrops like the cloud is an enemy to contend with.
New and unique to the game is the robot; on contact, it will grab and throw whatever it comes across to the opposite direction, including the player or even the flagpole on the goal area. It is both a nuisance and a strategic part of the game.
There are also other parts where the player is forced to commit suicide after springing a trap in order to continue playing. However, the game does allow infinite lives (starting with two lives) and simply keeps track of the number of deaths a player has suffered.
Luizprower, a user on Youtube posted a four part run through of this game in which his brother "Oni" repeatedly cracks jokes about Luiz's deaths. Other users have posted speed runs including runs with no deaths (Two lives remaining).
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